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the land design People

Roger Ridlehoover is a designer (landscape architect), builder (C27), economist and artist. He has designed and built gardens and landscapes since childhood (see photo!) A long-time Southern California resident, Roger knows its climate and plants and what makes a beautiful and earth-friendly garden and landscape here. From travels abroad he brings a wide perspective of techniques, materials, compositions and spirit to every project. He has university degrees from Texas A&M, UCLA and Cal Poly Pomona. For twenty years he was a consulting economist with specialties in natural resources and energy.

Maria Maturano is a plant lady and a garden boss! She has a keen eye and deep knowledge selecting plants for any space and location. She can grow what’s needed from seed or cutting. As a material girl Maria knows how to select and install flagstone, boulders, fountains, gravel, concrete and more! Her own garden is the envy of her neighborhood. She’s a people-person too!

Both of us believe in the importance of community, the need for a healthy earth, and the power of land design to uplift and inspire. Roger served as volunteer and board member of CASA of Los Angeles for more than twenty years; he supports Puente School in Boyle Heights; and he helped establish Spring Street Community Garden on “dead zone” land in downtown Los Angeles. Maria serves as President of her local high school parent organization and participates regularly at Tree People Los Angeles and Friends of Los Angeles River clean-up events. She has been recognized for community involvement by the city council of Huntington Park, California.

Clients -- would you like to hear from some of our past clients? Message us via the CONVERSATION page and we’ll put you in touch.

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